Perform unit conversions across a wide variety of units.


acre-feet = cubic feet

acre-feet = gallons

acres = hectares

acres = square feet

acres = square meters

acres = square kilometers
acres = square yards
acres = square miles
Angstrom units = centimeters
Angstrom units = microns
Angstrom units = nanometers
ares = square meters
astronomical units = miles
astronomical units = kilometers
barrels (petroleum) = gallons
barrels (U.S. liquid) = gallons
board feet = cubic inches
bolts (cloth) = feet
bushels = cubic feet
bushels = cubic inches
bushels = cubic meters
bushels = hectoliters
bushels = pecks
bushels = pints (dry)
bushels = quarts (dry)
caliber = inches
centimeters = Angstrom units
centimeters = mils
centimeters = millimeters
centimeters = feet
centimeters = yards
centimeters = inches
centimeters = kilometers
centimeters = miles
circular mils = square centimeters
circular mils = square inches
circular mils = square mils
circular mils = square millimeters
cords = cubic feet
cubic centimeters = cubic feet
cubic centimeters = cubic inches
cubic centimeters = cubic yards
cubic centimeters = gallons
cubic centimeters = liters
cubic centimeters = pints (liquid)
cubic centimeters = quarts (liquid)
cubic feet = acre-feet
cubic feet = bushels
cubic feet = cords
cubic feet = cubic centimeters
cubic feet = cubic inches
cubic feet = cubic meters
cubic feet = gallons
cubic feet = liters
cubic feet = pints (liquid)
cubic feet = quarts (liquid)
cubic feet = perches (masonry)
cubic feet = pounds of water
cubic inches = board feet
cubic inches = bushels
cubic inches = cubic centimeters
cubic inches = cubic feet
cubic inches = cubic meters
cubic inches = cubic yards
cubic inches = gallons
cubic inches = liters
cubic inches = milliliters
cubic inches = ounces (fluid)
cubic inches = pints (dry)
cubic inches = pints (liquid)
cubic inches = pounds of water
cubic inches = quarts (dry)
cubic inches = quarts (liquid)
cubic meters = bushels
cubic meters = cubic feet
cubic meters = cubic inches
cubic meters = cubic yards
cubic meters = gallons
cubic meters = liters
cubic yards = cubic centimeters
cubic yards = cubic inches
cubic yards = cubic meters
cubic yards = gallons
cubic yards = liters
cubits = inches
cups = milliliters
ells = inches
fathoms = feet
feet = bolts (cloth)
feet = centimeters
feet = fathoms
feet = inches
feet = meters
feet = kilometers
feet = miles
feet = rods
feet = yards
firkins = gallons
furlongs = miles
gallons = acre-feet
gallons = barrels (petroleum)
gallons = barrels (U.S. liquid)
gallons = cubic centimeters
gallons = cubic feet
gallons = cubic inches
gallons = cubic meters
gallons = cubic yards
gallons = firkins
gallons = liters
gallons = pints (liquid)
gallons = quarts (liquid)
gallons = hogsheads
gallons = pounds of water
gallons (Brit.) = gallons (U.S.)
gallons (U.S.) = gallons (Brit.)
gills = liters
gills = pints (liquid)
hands = inches
hectares = acres
hectares = square feet
hectares = square meters
hectoliters = bushels
hogsheads = gallons
inches = caliber
inches = cubits
inches = ells
inches = feet
inches = hands
inches = centimeters
inches = mils
inches = millimeters
inches = picas
inches = points (type)
inches = links
inches = meters
inches = microns
inches = miles
kilometers = astronomical units
kilometers = centimeters
kilometers = feet
kilometers = miles
kilometers = yards
kilometers = meters
kilometers = myriameters
kilometers = nautical miles
leagues = miles
light years = miles
light years = parsecs
links = inches
liters = cubic centimeters
liters = cubic feet
liters = cubic inches
liters = cubic meters
liters = cubic yards
liters = gallons
liters = gills
liters = pints (dry)
liters = pints (liquid)
liters = quarts (dry)
liters = quarts (liquid)
liters = microliters
liters = ounces (fluid)
liters = steres
meters = feet
meters = inches
meters = kilometers
meters = yards
meters = microns
meters = miles
microliters = liters
microns = Angstrom units
microns = inches
microns = mils (.001 inch)
microns = meters
microns = millimeters
miles = astronomical units
miles = furlongs
miles = kilometers
miles = leagues
miles = light years
miles = centimeters
miles = feet
miles = inches
miles = meters
miles = nautical miles
miles = yards
miles = parsecs
milliliters = cubic inches
milliliters = cups
millimeters = centimeters
millimeters = inches
millimeters = microns
millimeters = mils
mils = centimeters
mils = inches
mils = millimeters
mils (.001 inch) = microns
myriameters = kilometers
nanometers = Angstrom units
nautical miles = miles
nautical miles = kilometers
ounces (fluid) = cubic inches
ounces (fluid) = liters
ounces (fluid) = pints (liquid)
parsecs = light years
parsecs = miles
pecks = bushels
pecks = quarts (dry)
perches (masonry) = cubic feet
picas = inches
pints (dry) = bushels
pints (dry) = liters
pints (dry) = cubic inches
pints (dry) = quarts (dry)
pints (liquid) = cubic centimeters
pints (liquid) = cubic feet
pints (liquid) = gallons
pints (liquid) = gills
pints (liquid) = liters
pints (liquid) = cubic inches
pints (liquid) = ounces (fluid)
pints (liquid) = quarts (liquid)
points (type) = inches
pounds of water = cubic feet
pounds of water = cubic inches
pounds of water = gallons
quarts (dry) = bushels
quarts (dry) = liters
quarts (dry) = pecks
quarts (dry) = pints (dry)
quarts (dry) = cubic inches
quarts (liquid) = cubic centimeters
quarts (liquid) = cubic feet
quarts (liquid) = gallons
quarts (liquid) = liters
quarts (liquid) = pints (liquid)
quarts (liquid) = cubic inches
rods = feet
square centimeters = circular mils
square centimeters = square feet
square centimeters = square inches
square centimeters = square mils
square feet = acres
square feet = hectares
square feet = square centimeters
square feet = square millimeters
square feet = square inches
square feet = square meters
square feet = square miles
square feet = square yards
square inches = circular mils
square inches = square centimeters
square inches = square feet
square inches = square millimeters
square inches = square meters
square inches = square mils
square kilometers = acres
square kilometers = square miles
square kilometers = square yards
square meters = acres
square meters = ares
square meters = hectares
square meters = square feet
square meters = square miles
square meters = square yards
square meters = square inches
square miles = square kilometers
square miles = square meters
square miles = acres
square miles = square feet
square miles = square yards
square millimeters = square feet
square millimeters = square inches
square millimeters = circular mils
square mils = circular mils
square mils = square centimeters
square mils = square inches
square yards = acres
square yards = square kilometers
square yards = square meters
square yards = square miles
square yards = square feet
steres = liters
yards = centimeters
yards = kilometers
yards = meters
yards = miles
yards = feet
 Angular Measurements  
degrees (angle) = radians
degrees/sec = revolutions/min
degrees/sec = revolutions/sec
feet/100 feet = percent grade
hemispheres = steradians
minutes (angle) = radians
percent grade = feet/100 feet
radians = degrees (angle)
radians = minutes (angle)
radians = revolutions
radians = seconds (angle)
radians/sec = revolutions/min
radians/sec squared = revs/min squared
revolutions = radians
revolutions/min = degrees/sec
revolutions/min = radians/sec
revolutions/min = revolutions/sec
revolutions/sec = degrees/sec
revolutions/sec = revolutions/min
revs/min squared = radians/sec squared
revs/min squared = revs/secs squared
revs/secs squared = revs/min squared
seconds (angle) = radians
spheres (solid angle) = steradians
spherical rt angles = steradians
steradians = hemispheres
steradians = spheres (solid angle)
steradians = spherical rt angles
 Mass & Weight  
dyne-centimeters = ergs
dynes = grams
dynes = newtons
dynes = poundals
dynes = pounds
dynes = kilograms
grains = grams
grains = pennyweights
grains = ounces
grains = ounces (troy)
grains = pounds
grains = scruples
grams = dynes
grams = grains
grams = ounces
grams = ounces (troy)
grams = poundals
grams = pounds
grams = micrograms
grams = pennyweights
kilograms = dynes
kilograms = poundals
kilograms = pounds
kilograms = pounds (troy)
kilograms = tons (short)
kilograms = tons (long)
kilograms = myriagrams
kilograms = quintals
kilograms = slugs
kilograms = tons (long)
kilograms = tons (metric)
micrograms = grams
myriagrams = kilograms
ounces = grams
ounces = grains
ounces = pounds
ounces (troy) = grams
ounces (troy) = grains
ounces (troy) = pennyweights
ounces (troy) = pounds (troy)
pennyweights = grains
pennyweights = ounces (troy)
pennyweights = grams
poundals = dynes
poundals = grams
poundals = kilograms
poundals = pounds
pounds = dynes
pounds = grams
pounds = kilograms
pounds = newtons
pounds = ounces
pounds = poundals
pounds = grains
pounds = stones
pounds = tons (long)
pounds = tons (metric)
pounds = tons (short)
pounds (avdp) = pounds (troy)
pounds (force) = slug-foot/sec squared
pounds (troy) = kilograms
pounds (troy) = ounces (troy)
pounds (troy) = pounds (avdp)
quintals = kilograms
slug-foot/sec squared = pounds (force)
slugs = kilograms
stones = pounds
tons (long) = kilograms
tons (long) = kilograms
tons (long) = pounds
tons (metric) = kilograms
tons (metric) = pounds
tons (short) = kilograms
tons (short) = pounds
°C = °F
°C = °K
°C (Delta T) = °F (Delta T)
°C (Delta T) = °K (Delta T)
°F = °R
°F = °C
°F (Delta T) = °R (Delta T)
°F (Delta T) = °C (Delta T)
°K = °C
°K (Delta T) = °C (Delta T)
°R = °F
°R (Delta T) = °F (Delta T)
 Pressure & Density  
atmospheres = bars
atmospheres = cm of mercury (0°C)
atmospheres = dynes/sq cm
atmospheres = inches of mercury (0°C)
atmospheres = feet of water (4°C)
atmospheres = kg/sq meter
atmospheres = kilopascals
atmospheres = pounds/sq inch
atmospheres = tons/sq foot
atmospheres = cm of mercury (0°C)
bars = atmospheres
bars = dynes/sq cm
bars = pounds/sq in
cm of mercury (0°C) = atmospheres
cm of mercury (0°C) = feet of water (4°C)
cm of mercury (0°C) = atmospheres
cm of mercury (0°C) = pascals
cm of mercury (0°C) = kgs/sq meter
cm of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq foot
cm of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq inch
cm of mercury (0°C) = torr
dynes/sq cm = atmospheres
dynes/sq cm = bars
dynes/sq cm = kgs/sq meter
dynes/sq cm = pounds/sq foot
dynes/sq cm = pounds/sq inch
feet of water (4°C) = atmospheres
feet of water (4°C) = cm of mercury (0°C)
feet of water (4°C) = inches of mercury (0°C)
feet of water (4°C) = kgs/sq meter
feet of water (4°C) = pounds/sq ft
feet of water (4°C) = pounds/sq inch
grams/cm = pounds/inch
grams/cu cm = pounds/cu foot
grams/cu cm = pounds/cu inch
grams/cu cm = pounds/circ mil foot
grams/cu cm = kgs/cu meter
inches of mercury (0°C) = atmospheres
inches of mercury (0°C) = feet of water (4°C)
inches of mercury (0°C) = kgs/sq meter
inches of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq ft
inches of mercury (0°C) = torr
inches of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq in
inches of mercury (0°C) = inches of water (4°C)
inches of water (4°C) = inches of mercury (0°C)
inches of water (4°C) = kgs/sq meter
inches of water (4°C) = mm of mercury (0°C)
inches of water (4°C) = pascals
inches of water (4°C) = ounces/sq in
inches of water (4°C) = pounds/sq in
inches of water (4°C) = pounds/sq ft
kgs/cu meter = grams/cu cm
kgs/cu meter = pounds/cu foot
kgs/cu meter = pounds/cu inch
kgs/cu meter = pounds/mil foot
kgs/meter = pounds/foot
kgs/sq centimeter = pounds/sq inch
kg/sq meter = atmospheres
kgs/sq meter = cm of mercury (0°C)
kgs/sq meter = dynes/sq cm
kgs/sq meter = feet of water (4°C)
kgs/sq meter = inches of mercury (0°C)
kgs/sq meter = inches of water (4°C)
kgs/sq meter = pounds/sq foot
kgs/sq meter = pounds/sq inch
kgs/sq meter = tons (short)/sq ft
kgs/sq meter = tons (short)/sq in
kilopascals = atmospheres
kilopascals = pounds/sq in
millibars = torr
millibars = pascals
mm of mercury (0°C) = inches of water (4°C)
ounces/sq in = inches of water (4°C)
pascals = cm of mercury (0°C)
pascals = inches of water (4°C)
pascals = millibars
pounds/circ mil foot = grams/cu cm
pounds/cu foot = grams/cu cm
pounds/cu foot = kgs/cu meter
pounds/cu ft = pounds/cu inch
pounds/cu inch = grams/cu cm
pounds/cu inch = kgs/cu meter
pounds/cu inch = pounds/cu ft
pounds/foot = kgs/meter
pounds/inch = grams/cm
pounds/mil foot = kgs/cu meter
pounds/sq foot = cm of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq foot = dynes/sq cm
pounds/sq foot = kgs/sq meter
pounds/sq foot = pounds/sq inch
pounds/sq ft = feet of water (4°C)
pounds/sq ft = inches of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq ft = inches of water (4°C)
pounds/sq in = bars
pounds/sq in = inches of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq in = inches of water (4°C)
pounds/sq in = kilopascals
pounds/sq inch = atmospheres
pounds/sq inch = cm of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq inch = dynes/sq cm
pounds/sq inch = feet of water (4°C)
pounds/sq inch = kgs/sq centimeter
pounds/sq inch = kgs/sq meter
pounds/sq inch = pounds/sq foot
pounds/sq inch = tons (short)/sq ft
tons (short)/sq ft = kgs/sq meter
tons (short)/sq ft = pounds/sq inch
tons (short)/sq in = kgs/sq meter
tons/sq foot = atmospheres
torr = cm of mercury (0°C)
torr = inches of mercury (0°C)
torr = millibars
 Velocity & Acceleration  
centimeters/sec = feet/minute
centimeters/sec = feet/sec
centimeters/sec = kilometers/hour
centimeters/sec = meters/minute
centimeters/sec = miles/hour
centimeters/sec = miles/minute
cubic cm/sec = cubic feet/min
cubic feet/min = cubic cm/sec
cubic feet/min = cubic meters/hr
cubic feet/min = gallons/sec
cubic feet/min = liters/sec
cubic feet/min = lbs of water/min
cubic feet/sec = cubic yards/min
cubic feet/sec = gallons/min
cubic feet/sec = liters/minute
cubic meters/hr = cubic feet/min
cubic yards/min = cubic feet/sec
cubic yards/min = gallons/sec
cubic yards/min = liters/sec
feet/minute = centimeters/sec
feet/minute = feet/sec
feet/minute = kilometers/hr
feet/minute = miles/hour
feet/minute = meters/second
feet/sec = centimeters/sec
feet/sec = feet/minute
feet/second = kilometers/hour
feet/second = meters/minute
feet/second = miles/hour
feet/second = miles/minute
feet/second = knots
gallons/min = cubic feet/sec
gallons/min = liters/sec
gallons/sec = cubic feet/min
gallons/sec = cubic yards/min
gallons/sec = liters/minute
kilometers/hour = centimeters/sec
kilometers/hour = feet/second
kilometers/hour = knots
kilometers/hour = meters/minute
kilometers/hour = miles/hour
kilometers/hour = meters/second
kilometers/hr = feet/minute
knots = kilometers/hour
knots = feet/second
knots = miles/hour
lbs of water/min = cubic feet/min
liters/minute = cubic feet/sec
liters/minute = gallons/sec
liters/sec = cubic feet/min
liters/sec = cubic yards/min
liters/sec = gallons/min
meters/minute = centimeters/sec
meters/minute = feet/second
meters/minute = kilometers/hour
meters/minute = miles/hour
meters/second = miles/hour
meters/second = feet/minute
meters/second = kilometers/hour
meters/second = miles/minute
miles/hour = centimeters/sec
miles/hour = feet/minute
miles/hour = feet/second
miles/hour = kilometers/hour
miles/hour = knots
miles/hour = meters/second
miles/hour = meters/minute
miles/minute = centimeters/sec
miles/minute = feet/second
miles/minute = meters/second
 Energy, Work & Power  
btu‘s = kilogram-calories
btu‘s = foot-pounds
btu‘s = horsepower-hours
btu‘s = joules
btu‘s = kilogram-meters
btu‘s = kilowatt-hours
btu‘s = gram-calories
btu‘s = watt-hours
btu‘s = ergs
btu‘s = gram-centimeters
btu‘s/°F = kg-cals/°C
btu‘s/°F = joules/°C
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft) = watts/sq meter
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = watts/(sq in)(°F)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = g-cals/(sec)(sq m)(°C)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = watts/(sq m)(°C)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F/in) = kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C/cm)
btu‘s/(pound)(°F) = kilojoules/(kg)(°C)
btu‘s/(pound)(°F) = g-cals/(g)(°C)
btu‘s/(sq ft)(min) = watts/sq inch
btu‘s/cu ft = kg-cals/cu meter
btu‘s/cu ft = joules/cu meter
btu‘s/hour = watts
btu‘s/hour = horsepower (boiler)
btu‘s/minute = foot-pounds/sec
btu‘s/minute = horsepower
btu‘s/minute = kilowatts
btu‘s/minute = watts
btu‘s/minute = ergs/second
btu‘s/pound = kg-cals/kg
btu‘s/pound = kilojoules/kg
btu‘s/sq ft = kg-cals/sq meter
btu‘s/sq ft = watt-hours/sq meter
btu(in)/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = watts/(meter)(°C)
calories = joules
electron volts = ergs
electron volts = joules
ergs = electron volts
ergs = btu‘s
ergs = dyne-centimeters
ergs = foot-pounds
ergs = gram-centimeters
ergs = joules
ergs = kilogram-calories
ergs = kilogram-meters
ergs = kilogram-meters
ergs/second = btu‘s/minute
ergs/second = foot-pounds/min
ergs/second = foot-pounds/sec
ergs/second = horsepower
ergs/second = kg-calories/min
ergs/second = kilowatts
ergs/second = watts
ev/molecule = kg-calories/mole
Faraday = coulombs
farads = abfarads
farads = microfarads
foot-pounds = btu‘s
foot-pounds = ergs
foot-pounds = horsepower-hours
foot-pounds = joules
foot-pounds = newton-meters
foot-pounds = kilogram-calories
foot-pounds = kilogram-meters
foot-pounds = kilowatt-hours
foot-pounds = gram-centimeters
foot-pounds = watt-hours
foot-pounds/min = ergs/second
foot-pounds/min = horsepower
foot-pounds/min = kilowatts
foot-pounds/min = watts
foot-pounds/sec = btu‘s/minute
foot-pounds/sec = ergs/second
foot-pounds/sec = horsepower
foot-pounds/sec = kg-calories/min
foot-pounds/sec = kilowatts
foot-pounds/sec = watts
gram-calories = btu‘s
gram-centimeters = ergs
gram-centimeters = btu‘s
gram-centimeters = foot-pounds
gram-centimeters = joules
horsepower = btu‘s/minute
horsepower = ergs/second
horsepower = foot-pounds/min
horsepower = foot-pounds/sec
horsepower = kg-calories/min
horsepower = horsepower (metric)
horsepower = kilowatts
horsepower = watts
horsepower (boiler) = btu‘s/hour
horsepower (boiler) = kilowatts
horsepower (electric) = horsepower (metric)
horsepower (metric) = horsepower (electric)
horsepower (metric) = horsepower
horsepower-hours = btu‘s
horsepower-hours = foot-pounds
horsepower-hours = joules
horsepower-hours = kilogram-calories
horsepower-hours = kilogram-meters
horsepower-hours = kilowatt-hours
joules = btu‘s
joules = calories
joules = electron volts
joules = ergs
joules = foot-pounds
joules = gram-centimeters
joules = horsepower-hours
joules = kilogram-calories
joules = newton-meters
joules = volt-coulombs
joules = watt-hours
joules = watt-seconds
joules = kilowatt-hours
joules/°C = btu‘s/°F
joules/cu meter = btu‘s/cu ft
joules/second = watts
joules/sq amp sec = ohms
kg-calories/min = ergs/second
kg-calories/min = foot-pounds/sec
kg-calories/min = horsepower
kg-calories/min = watts
kg-calories/mole = ev/molecule
kg-cals/°C = btu‘s/°F
kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C/cm) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F/in)
kg-cals/cu meter = btu‘s/cu ft
kg-cals/kg = btu‘s/pound
kg-cals/minute = kilowatts
kg-cals/sq meter = btu‘s/sq ft
kg-meters/sq sec = newtons
kilogram-calories = btu‘s
kilogram-calories = ergs
kilogram-calories = foot-pounds
kilogram-calories = horsepower-hours
kilogram-calories = joules
kilogram-calories = kilogram-meters
kilogram-calories = kilowatt-hours
kilogram-calories = watt-hours
kilogram-meters = btu‘s
kilogram-meters = ergs
kilogram-meters = foot-pounds
kilogram-meters = gram-centimeters
kilogram-meters = horsepower-hours
kilogram-meters = kilogram-calories
kilogram-meters = ergs
kilogram-meters = kilowatt-hours
kilogram-meters = watt-hours
kilojoules/(kg)(°C) = btu‘s/(pound)(°F)
kilojoules/kg = btu‘s/pound
kilowatt-hours = btu‘s
kilowatt-hours = foot-pounds
kilowatt-hours = kilogram-calories
kilowatt-hours = kilogram-meters
kilowatt-hours = horsepower-hours
kilowatt-hours = joules
kilowatt-hours = watt-hours
kilowatts = btu‘s/minute
kilowatts = ergs/second
kilowatts = foot-pounds/min
kilowatts = foot-pounds/sec
kilowatts = horsepower
kilowatts = horsepower (boiler)
kilowatts = kg-cals/minute
kilowatts = myriawatts
newton-meters = foot-pounds
newton-meters = joules
newton-meters/amp = webers
newtons = amp-webers/meter
newtons = dynes
newtons = kg-meters/sq sec
newtons = pounds
watt-hours = btu‘s
watt-hours = joules
watt-hours = foot-pounds
watt-hours = kilogram-calories
watt-hours = kilogram-meters
watt-hours = kilowatt-hours
watt-hours/sq meter = btu‘s/sq ft
watt-seconds = joules
watts = btu‘s/hour
watts = btu‘s/minute
watts = horsepower
watts = joules/second
watts = ergs/second
watts = foot-pounds/min
watts = foot-pounds/sec
watts = kg-calories/min
watts/(meter)(°C) = btu(in)/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
watts/(sq in)(°F) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
watts/(sq m)(°C) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
watts/sq inch = btu‘s/(sq ft)(min)
watts/sq meter = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)
watts/square cm = watts/square inch
watts/square inch = watts/square cm
abampere-turns = gilberts
abampere-turns = ampere-turns
abampere-turns/cm = ampere-turns/inch
abamperes = amperes
abamperes/sq cm = amperes/sq inch
abcoulombs = coulombs
abcoulombs/sq cm = couloumbs/sq inch
abfarads = farads
abhenries = henries
abmhos = mhos
abohms = ohms
abvolts = volts
abvolts/cm = volts/inch
amp-webers/meter = newtons
ampere-seconds = coulombs
ampere-turns = abampere-turns
ampere-turns = gilberts
ampere-turns/inch = abampere-turns/cm
ampere-turns/inch = gilberts/cm
amperes = abamperes
amperes = statamperes
amperes/meter = oersteds
amperes/sq cm = amperes/sq inch
amperes/sq inch = abamperes/sq cm
amperes/sq inch = statamperes/sq cm
amperes/sq inch = amperes/sq cm
coulomb/sq cm = coulomb/sq in
coulomb/sq in = coulomb/sq cm
coulomb/sq in = statcoulomb/sq cm
coulombs = abcoulombs
coulombs = statcoulombs
coulombs = ampere-seconds
coulombs = Faraday
couloumbs/sq inch = abcoulombs/sq cm
gauss = lines/sq inch
gauss = webers/sq meter
gauss = lines/sq cm
gilberts = abampere-turns
gilberts = ampere-turns
gilberts/cm = ampere-turns/inch
kilolines = maxwells
lines/sq cm = gauss
lines/sq inch = gauss
maxwells = kilolines
maxwells = megalines
maxwells = webers
megalines = maxwells
megmhos = mhos
megohms = ohms
mhos = abmhos
mhos = megmhos
mhos = statmhos
microfarads = farads
microhms = ohms
myriawatts = kilowatts
oersteds = amperes/meter
ohms = abohms
ohms = joules/sq amp sec
ohms = megohms
ohms = microhms
ohms = statohms
statamperes = amperes
statamperes/sq cm = amperes/sq inch
statcoulomb/sq cm = coulomb/sq in
statcoulombs = coulombs
statmhos = mhos
statohms = ohms
statvolts = volts
statvolts/cm = volts/inch
volt-coulombs = joules
volts = abvolts
volts = statvolts
volts/inch = abvolts/cm
volts/inch = statvolts/cm
webers = maxwells
webers = newton-meters/amp
webers/sq meter = gauss
candelas = lumens
centimeter-dynes = centimeter-grams
centimeter-dynes = meter-kilograms
centimeter-dynes = pound-feet
centimeter-grams = centimeter-dynes
centimeter-grams = meter-kilograms
centimeter-grams = pound-feet
centipoise = pascal-seconds
days = hours
days = minutes
days = seconds
foot-candles = lumens/sq ft
foot-candles = lux
foot-candles = lumens/sq foot
g-cals/(g)(°C) = btu‘s/(pound)(°F)
g-cals/(sec)(sq m)(°C) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
gram-centimeters = kilogram-meters
henries = abhenries
henries = millihenries
hours = days
hours = seconds
hours = weeks
kg-sq cm (radius) = pound-sq ft (radius)
kg-sq cm (radius) = pound-sq in (radius)
log (base 10) N = log (base e) N
log (base e) N = log (base 10) N
lumens = candelas
lumens/sq foot = foot-candles
lumens/sq ft = foot-candles
lumens/sq meter = lux
lux = foot-candles
lux = lumens/sq meter
meter-kilograms = centimeter-dynes
meter-kilograms = centimeter-grams
meter-kilograms = pound-feet
milligrams/deciliter = millimoles/l (glucose)
millihenries = henries
millimoles/l (glucose) = milligrams/deciliter
minutes = days
minutes = weeks
minutes = years
molecules = moles
moles = molecules
pascal-seconds = centipoise
pound-feet = centimeter-dynes
pound-feet = centimeter-grams
pound-feet = meter-kilograms
pound-sq ft (radius) = kg-sq cm (radius)
pound-sq in (radius) = kg-sq cm (radius)
quires = sheets
reams = sheets
scruples = grains
seconds = days
seconds = hours
seconds = shakes
seconds = weeks
seconds = years
shakes = seconds
sheets = quires
sheets = reams
weeks = hours
weeks = minutes
weeks = seconds
years = minutes
years = seconds


For more than 60 years, Minco has designed and manufactured heating, flex circuit, temperature sensing and instrumentation solutions for some of the world’s most demanding applications.


Address a specific design challenge or customize fully integrated solutions with Minco’s proven product lines.

Thermal performance for standard and custom use cases — from environment stabilization to faster thermal cycling.

Accurately sense and measure temperature, humidity and fluid levels across a wide range of applications.

Achieve new design freedom with flex circuit solutions that improve reliability in a condensed package size.

System-matched controllers complement Minco sensors and heaters to deliver improved system accuracy.

Leverage decades of engineering expertise to design integrated solutions that enhance performance and reduce cost.
Learn more about Minco’s approach to design innovation – and consider joining the team.