Length, Area & Volume
acre-feet = cubic feet
cubic feet
acre-feet = gallons
acres = hectares
acres = square feet
square feet
acres = square meters
square meters
acres = square kilometers
acres = square yards
acres = square miles
Angstrom units = centimeters
Angstrom units = microns
Angstrom units = nanometers
ares = square meters
astronomical units = miles
astronomical units = kilometers
barrels (petroleum) = gallons
barrels (U.S. liquid) = gallons
board feet = cubic inches
bolts (cloth) = feet
bushels = cubic feet
bushels = cubic inches
bushels = cubic meters
bushels = hectoliters
bushels = pecks
bushels = pints (dry)
bushels = quarts (dry)
caliber = inches
centimeters = Angstrom units
centimeters = mils
centimeters = millimeters
centimeters = feet
centimeters = yards
centimeters = inches
centimeters = kilometers
centimeters = miles
circular mils = square centimeters
circular mils = square inches
circular mils = square mils
circular mils = square millimeters
cords = cubic feet
cubic centimeters = cubic feet
cubic centimeters = cubic inches
cubic centimeters = cubic yards
cubic centimeters = gallons
cubic centimeters = liters
cubic centimeters = pints (liquid)
cubic centimeters = quarts (liquid)
cubic feet = acre-feet
cubic feet = bushels
cubic feet = cords
cubic feet = cubic centimeters
cubic feet = cubic inches
cubic feet = cubic meters
cubic feet = gallons
cubic feet = liters
cubic feet = pints (liquid)
cubic feet = quarts (liquid)
cubic feet = perches (masonry)
cubic feet = pounds of water
cubic inches = board feet
cubic inches = bushels
cubic inches = cubic centimeters
cubic inches = cubic feet
cubic inches = cubic meters
cubic inches = cubic yards
cubic inches = gallons
cubic inches = liters
cubic inches = milliliters
cubic inches = ounces (fluid)
cubic inches = pints (dry)
cubic inches = pints (liquid)
cubic inches = pounds of water
cubic inches = quarts (dry)
cubic inches = quarts (liquid)
cubic meters = bushels
cubic meters = cubic feet
cubic meters = cubic inches
cubic meters = cubic yards
cubic meters = gallons
cubic meters = liters
cubic yards = cubic centimeters
cubic yards = cubic inches
cubic yards = cubic meters
cubic yards = gallons
cubic yards = liters
cubits = inches
cups = milliliters
ells = inches
fathoms = feet
feet = bolts (cloth)
feet = centimeters
feet = fathoms
feet = inches
feet = meters
feet = kilometers
feet = miles
feet = rods
feet = yards
firkins = gallons
furlongs = miles
gallons = acre-feet
gallons = barrels (petroleum)
gallons = barrels (U.S. liquid)
gallons = cubic centimeters
gallons = cubic feet
gallons = cubic inches
gallons = cubic meters
gallons = cubic yards
gallons = firkins
gallons = liters
gallons = pints (liquid)
gallons = quarts (liquid)
gallons = hogsheads
gallons = pounds of water
gallons (Brit.) = gallons (U.S.)
gallons (U.S.) = gallons (Brit.)
gills = liters
gills = pints (liquid)
hands = inches
hectares = acres
hectares = square feet
hectares = square meters
hectoliters = bushels
hogsheads = gallons
inches = caliber
inches = cubits
inches = ells
inches = feet
inches = hands
inches = centimeters
inches = mils
inches = millimeters
inches = picas
inches = points (type)
inches = links
inches = meters
inches = microns
inches = miles
kilometers = astronomical units
kilometers = centimeters
kilometers = feet
kilometers = miles
kilometers = yards
kilometers = meters
kilometers = myriameters
kilometers = nautical miles
leagues = miles
light years = miles
light years = parsecs
links = inches
liters = cubic centimeters
liters = cubic feet
liters = cubic inches
liters = cubic meters
liters = cubic yards
liters = gallons
liters = gills
liters = pints (dry)
liters = pints (liquid)
liters = quarts (dry)
liters = quarts (liquid)
liters = microliters
liters = ounces (fluid)
liters = steres
meters = feet
meters = inches
meters = kilometers
meters = yards
meters = microns
meters = miles
microliters = liters
microns = Angstrom units
microns = inches
microns = mils (.001 inch)
microns = meters
microns = millimeters
miles = astronomical units
miles = furlongs
miles = kilometers
miles = leagues
miles = light years
miles = centimeters
miles = feet
miles = inches
miles = meters
miles = nautical miles
miles = yards
miles = parsecs
milliliters = cubic inches
milliliters = cups
millimeters = centimeters
millimeters = inches
millimeters = microns
millimeters = mils
mils = centimeters
mils = inches
mils = millimeters
mils (.001 inch) = microns
myriameters = kilometers
nanometers = Angstrom units
nautical miles = miles
nautical miles = kilometers
ounces (fluid) = cubic inches
ounces (fluid) = liters
ounces (fluid) = pints (liquid)
parsecs = light years
parsecs = miles
pecks = bushels
pecks = quarts (dry)
perches (masonry) = cubic feet
picas = inches
pints (dry) = bushels
pints (dry) = liters
pints (dry) = cubic inches
pints (dry) = quarts (dry)
pints (liquid) = cubic centimeters
pints (liquid) = cubic feet
pints (liquid) = gallons
pints (liquid) = gills
pints (liquid) = liters
pints (liquid) = cubic inches
pints (liquid) = ounces (fluid)
pints (liquid) = quarts (liquid)
points (type) = inches
pounds of water = cubic feet
pounds of water = cubic inches
pounds of water = gallons
quarts (dry) = bushels
quarts (dry) = liters
quarts (dry) = pecks
quarts (dry) = pints (dry)
quarts (dry) = cubic inches
quarts (liquid) = cubic centimeters
quarts (liquid) = cubic feet
quarts (liquid) = gallons
quarts (liquid) = liters
quarts (liquid) = pints (liquid)
quarts (liquid) = cubic inches
rods = feet
square centimeters = circular mils
square centimeters = square feet
square centimeters = square inches
square centimeters = square mils
square feet = acres
square feet = hectares
square feet = square centimeters
square feet = square millimeters
square feet = square inches
square feet = square meters
square feet = square miles
square feet = square yards
square inches = circular mils
square inches = square centimeters
square inches = square feet
square inches = square millimeters
square inches = square meters
square inches = square mils
square kilometers = acres
square kilometers = square miles
square kilometers = square yards
square meters = acres
square meters = ares
square meters = hectares
square meters = square feet
square meters = square miles
square meters = square yards
square meters = square inches
square miles = square kilometers
square miles = square meters
square miles = acres
square miles = square feet
square miles = square yards
square millimeters = square feet
square millimeters = square inches
square millimeters = circular mils
square mils = circular mils
square mils = square centimeters
square mils = square inches
square yards = acres
square yards = square kilometers
square yards = square meters
square yards = square miles
square yards = square feet
steres = liters
yards = centimeters
yards = kilometers
yards = meters
yards = miles
yards = feet
Angular Measurements
degrees (angle) = radians
degrees/sec = revolutions/min
degrees/sec = revolutions/sec
feet/100 feet = percent grade
hemispheres = steradians
minutes (angle) = radians
percent grade = feet/100 feet
radians = degrees (angle)
radians = minutes (angle)
radians = revolutions
radians = seconds (angle)
radians/sec = revolutions/min
radians/sec squared = revs/min squared
revolutions = radians
revolutions/min = degrees/sec
revolutions/min = radians/sec
revolutions/min = revolutions/sec
revolutions/sec = degrees/sec
revolutions/sec = revolutions/min
revs/min squared = radians/sec squared
revs/min squared = revs/secs squared
revs/secs squared = revs/min squared
seconds (angle) = radians
spheres (solid angle) = steradians
spherical rt angles = steradians
steradians = hemispheres
steradians = spheres (solid angle)
steradians = spherical rt angles
Mass & Weight
dyne-centimeters = ergs
dynes = grams
dynes = newtons
dynes = poundals
dynes = pounds
dynes = kilograms
grains = grams
grains = pennyweights
grains = ounces
grains = ounces (troy)
grains = pounds
grains = scruples
grams = dynes
grams = grains
grams = ounces
grams = ounces (troy)
grams = poundals
grams = pounds
grams = micrograms
grams = pennyweights
kilograms = dynes
kilograms = poundals
kilograms = pounds
kilograms = pounds (troy)
kilograms = tons (short)
kilograms = tons (long)
kilograms = myriagrams
kilograms = quintals
kilograms = slugs
kilograms = tons (long)
kilograms = tons (metric)
micrograms = grams
myriagrams = kilograms
ounces = grams
ounces = grains
ounces = pounds
ounces (troy) = grams
ounces (troy) = grains
ounces (troy) = pennyweights
ounces (troy) = pounds (troy)
pennyweights = grains
pennyweights = ounces (troy)
pennyweights = grams
poundals = dynes
poundals = grams
poundals = kilograms
poundals = pounds
pounds = dynes
pounds = grams
pounds = kilograms
pounds = newtons
pounds = ounces
pounds = poundals
pounds = grains
pounds = stones
pounds = tons (long)
pounds = tons (metric)
pounds = tons (short)
pounds (avdp) = pounds (troy)
pounds (force) = slug-foot/sec squared
pounds (troy) = kilograms
pounds (troy) = ounces (troy)
pounds (troy) = pounds (avdp)
quintals = kilograms
slug-foot/sec squared = pounds (force)
slugs = kilograms
stones = pounds
tons (long) = kilograms
tons (long) = kilograms
tons (long) = pounds
tons (metric) = kilograms
tons (metric) = pounds
tons (short) = kilograms
tons (short) = pounds
°C = °F
°C = °K
°C (Delta T) = °F (Delta T)
°C (Delta T) = °K (Delta T)
°F = °R
°F = °C
°F (Delta T) = °R (Delta T)
°F (Delta T) = °C (Delta T)
°K = °C
°K (Delta T) = °C (Delta T)
°R = °F
°R (Delta T) = °F (Delta T)
Pressure & Density
atmospheres = bars
atmospheres = cm of mercury (0°C)
atmospheres = dynes/sq cm
atmospheres = inches of mercury (0°C)
atmospheres = feet of water (4°C)
atmospheres = kg/sq meter
atmospheres = kilopascals
atmospheres = pounds/sq inch
atmospheres = tons/sq foot
atmospheres = cm of mercury (0°C)
bars = atmospheres
bars = dynes/sq cm
bars = pounds/sq in
cm of mercury (0°C) = atmospheres
cm of mercury (0°C) = feet of water (4°C)
cm of mercury (0°C) = atmospheres
cm of mercury (0°C) = pascals
cm of mercury (0°C) = kgs/sq meter
cm of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq foot
cm of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq inch
cm of mercury (0°C) = torr
dynes/sq cm = atmospheres
dynes/sq cm = bars
dynes/sq cm = kgs/sq meter
dynes/sq cm = pounds/sq foot
dynes/sq cm = pounds/sq inch
feet of water (4°C) = atmospheres
feet of water (4°C) = cm of mercury (0°C)
feet of water (4°C) = inches of mercury (0°C)
feet of water (4°C) = kgs/sq meter
feet of water (4°C) = pounds/sq ft
feet of water (4°C) = pounds/sq inch
grams/cm = pounds/inch
grams/cu cm = pounds/cu foot
grams/cu cm = pounds/cu inch
grams/cu cm = pounds/circ mil foot
grams/cu cm = kgs/cu meter
inches of mercury (0°C) = atmospheres
inches of mercury (0°C) = feet of water (4°C)
inches of mercury (0°C) = kgs/sq meter
inches of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq ft
inches of mercury (0°C) = torr
inches of mercury (0°C) = pounds/sq in
inches of mercury (0°C) = inches of water (4°C)
inches of water (4°C) = inches of mercury (0°C)
inches of water (4°C) = kgs/sq meter
inches of water (4°C) = mm of mercury (0°C)
inches of water (4°C) = pascals
inches of water (4°C) = ounces/sq in
inches of water (4°C) = pounds/sq in
inches of water (4°C) = pounds/sq ft
kgs/cu meter = grams/cu cm
kgs/cu meter = pounds/cu foot
kgs/cu meter = pounds/cu inch
kgs/cu meter = pounds/mil foot
kgs/meter = pounds/foot
kgs/sq centimeter = pounds/sq inch
kg/sq meter = atmospheres
kgs/sq meter = cm of mercury (0°C)
kgs/sq meter = dynes/sq cm
kgs/sq meter = feet of water (4°C)
kgs/sq meter = inches of mercury (0°C)
kgs/sq meter = inches of water (4°C)
kgs/sq meter = pounds/sq foot
kgs/sq meter = pounds/sq inch
kgs/sq meter = tons (short)/sq ft
kgs/sq meter = tons (short)/sq in
kilopascals = atmospheres
kilopascals = pounds/sq in
millibars = torr
millibars = pascals
mm of mercury (0°C) = inches of water (4°C)
ounces/sq in = inches of water (4°C)
pascals = cm of mercury (0°C)
pascals = inches of water (4°C)
pascals = millibars
pounds/circ mil foot = grams/cu cm
pounds/cu foot = grams/cu cm
pounds/cu foot = kgs/cu meter
pounds/cu ft = pounds/cu inch
pounds/cu inch = grams/cu cm
pounds/cu inch = kgs/cu meter
pounds/cu inch = pounds/cu ft
pounds/foot = kgs/meter
pounds/inch = grams/cm
pounds/mil foot = kgs/cu meter
pounds/sq foot = cm of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq foot = dynes/sq cm
pounds/sq foot = kgs/sq meter
pounds/sq foot = pounds/sq inch
pounds/sq ft = feet of water (4°C)
pounds/sq ft = inches of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq ft = inches of water (4°C)
pounds/sq in = bars
pounds/sq in = inches of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq in = inches of water (4°C)
pounds/sq in = kilopascals
pounds/sq inch = atmospheres
pounds/sq inch = cm of mercury (0°C)
pounds/sq inch = dynes/sq cm
pounds/sq inch = feet of water (4°C)
pounds/sq inch = kgs/sq centimeter
pounds/sq inch = kgs/sq meter
pounds/sq inch = pounds/sq foot
pounds/sq inch = tons (short)/sq ft
tons (short)/sq ft = kgs/sq meter
tons (short)/sq ft = pounds/sq inch
tons (short)/sq in = kgs/sq meter
tons/sq foot = atmospheres
torr = cm of mercury (0°C)
torr = inches of mercury (0°C)
torr = millibars
Velocity & Acceleration
centimeters/sec = feet/minute
centimeters/sec = feet/sec
centimeters/sec = kilometers/hour
centimeters/sec = meters/minute
centimeters/sec = miles/hour
centimeters/sec = miles/minute
cubic cm/sec = cubic feet/min
cubic feet/min = cubic cm/sec
cubic feet/min = cubic meters/hr
cubic feet/min = gallons/sec
cubic feet/min = liters/sec
cubic feet/min = lbs of water/min
cubic feet/sec = cubic yards/min
cubic feet/sec = gallons/min
cubic feet/sec = liters/minute
cubic meters/hr = cubic feet/min
cubic yards/min = cubic feet/sec
cubic yards/min = gallons/sec
cubic yards/min = liters/sec
feet/minute = centimeters/sec
feet/minute = feet/sec
feet/minute = kilometers/hr
feet/minute = miles/hour
feet/minute = meters/second
feet/sec = centimeters/sec
feet/sec = feet/minute
feet/second = kilometers/hour
feet/second = meters/minute
feet/second = miles/hour
feet/second = miles/minute
feet/second = knots
gallons/min = cubic feet/sec
gallons/min = liters/sec
gallons/sec = cubic feet/min
gallons/sec = cubic yards/min
gallons/sec = liters/minute
kilometers/hour = centimeters/sec
kilometers/hour = feet/second
kilometers/hour = knots
kilometers/hour = meters/minute
kilometers/hour = miles/hour
kilometers/hour = meters/second
kilometers/hr = feet/minute
knots = kilometers/hour
knots = feet/second
knots = miles/hour
lbs of water/min = cubic feet/min
liters/minute = cubic feet/sec
liters/minute = gallons/sec
liters/sec = cubic feet/min
liters/sec = cubic yards/min
liters/sec = gallons/min
meters/minute = centimeters/sec
meters/minute = feet/second
meters/minute = kilometers/hour
meters/minute = miles/hour
meters/second = miles/hour
meters/second = feet/minute
meters/second = kilometers/hour
meters/second = miles/minute
miles/hour = centimeters/sec
miles/hour = feet/minute
miles/hour = feet/second
miles/hour = kilometers/hour
miles/hour = knots
miles/hour = meters/second
miles/hour = meters/minute
miles/minute = centimeters/sec
miles/minute = feet/second
miles/minute = meters/second
Energy, Work & Power
btu‘s = kilogram-calories
btu‘s = foot-pounds
btu‘s = horsepower-hours
btu‘s = joules
btu‘s = kilogram-meters
btu‘s = kilowatt-hours
btu‘s = gram-calories
btu‘s = watt-hours
btu‘s = ergs
btu‘s = gram-centimeters
btu‘s/°F = kg-cals/°C
btu‘s/°F = joules/°C
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft) = watts/sq meter
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = watts/(sq in)(°F)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = g-cals/(sec)(sq m)(°C)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = watts/(sq m)(°C)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C)
btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F/in) = kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C/cm)
btu‘s/(pound)(°F) = kilojoules/(kg)(°C)
btu‘s/(pound)(°F) = g-cals/(g)(°C)
btu‘s/(sq ft)(min) = watts/sq inch
btu‘s/cu ft = kg-cals/cu meter
btu‘s/cu ft = joules/cu meter
btu‘s/hour = watts
btu‘s/hour = horsepower (boiler)
btu‘s/minute = foot-pounds/sec
btu‘s/minute = horsepower
btu‘s/minute = kilowatts
btu‘s/minute = watts
btu‘s/minute = ergs/second
btu‘s/pound = kg-cals/kg
btu‘s/pound = kilojoules/kg
btu‘s/sq ft = kg-cals/sq meter
btu‘s/sq ft = watt-hours/sq meter
btu(in)/(hr)(sq ft)(°F) = watts/(meter)(°C)
calories = joules
electron volts = ergs
electron volts = joules
ergs = electron volts
ergs = btu‘s
ergs = dyne-centimeters
ergs = foot-pounds
ergs = gram-centimeters
ergs = joules
ergs = kilogram-calories
ergs = kilogram-meters
ergs = kilogram-meters
ergs/second = btu‘s/minute
ergs/second = foot-pounds/min
ergs/second = foot-pounds/sec
ergs/second = horsepower
ergs/second = kg-calories/min
ergs/second = kilowatts
ergs/second = watts
ev/molecule = kg-calories/mole
Faraday = coulombs
farads = abfarads
farads = microfarads
foot-pounds = btu‘s
foot-pounds = ergs
foot-pounds = horsepower-hours
foot-pounds = joules
foot-pounds = newton-meters
foot-pounds = kilogram-calories
foot-pounds = kilogram-meters
foot-pounds = kilowatt-hours
foot-pounds = gram-centimeters
foot-pounds = watt-hours
foot-pounds/min = ergs/second
foot-pounds/min = horsepower
foot-pounds/min = kilowatts
foot-pounds/min = watts
foot-pounds/sec = btu‘s/minute
foot-pounds/sec = ergs/second
foot-pounds/sec = horsepower
foot-pounds/sec = kg-calories/min
foot-pounds/sec = kilowatts
foot-pounds/sec = watts
gram-calories = btu‘s
gram-centimeters = ergs
gram-centimeters = btu‘s
gram-centimeters = foot-pounds
gram-centimeters = joules
horsepower = btu‘s/minute
horsepower = ergs/second
horsepower = foot-pounds/min
horsepower = foot-pounds/sec
horsepower = kg-calories/min
horsepower = horsepower (metric)
horsepower = kilowatts
horsepower = watts
horsepower (boiler) = btu‘s/hour
horsepower (boiler) = kilowatts
horsepower (electric) = horsepower (metric)
horsepower (metric) = horsepower (electric)
horsepower (metric) = horsepower
horsepower-hours = btu‘s
horsepower-hours = foot-pounds
horsepower-hours = joules
horsepower-hours = kilogram-calories
horsepower-hours = kilogram-meters
horsepower-hours = kilowatt-hours
joules = btu‘s
joules = calories
joules = electron volts
joules = ergs
joules = foot-pounds
joules = gram-centimeters
joules = horsepower-hours
joules = kilogram-calories
joules = newton-meters
joules = volt-coulombs
joules = watt-hours
joules = watt-seconds
joules = kilowatt-hours
joules/°C = btu‘s/°F
joules/cu meter = btu‘s/cu ft
joules/second = watts
joules/sq amp sec = ohms
kg-calories/min = ergs/second
kg-calories/min = foot-pounds/sec
kg-calories/min = horsepower
kg-calories/min = watts
kg-calories/mole = ev/molecule
kg-cals/°C = btu‘s/°F
kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
kg-cals/(hr)(sq m)(°C/cm) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F/in)
kg-cals/cu meter = btu‘s/cu ft
kg-cals/kg = btu‘s/pound
kg-cals/minute = kilowatts
kg-cals/sq meter = btu‘s/sq ft
kg-meters/sq sec = newtons
kilogram-calories = btu‘s
kilogram-calories = ergs
kilogram-calories = foot-pounds
kilogram-calories = horsepower-hours
kilogram-calories = joules
kilogram-calories = kilogram-meters
kilogram-calories = kilowatt-hours
kilogram-calories = watt-hours
kilogram-meters = btu‘s
kilogram-meters = ergs
kilogram-meters = foot-pounds
kilogram-meters = gram-centimeters
kilogram-meters = horsepower-hours
kilogram-meters = kilogram-calories
kilogram-meters = ergs
kilogram-meters = kilowatt-hours
kilogram-meters = watt-hours
kilojoules/(kg)(°C) = btu‘s/(pound)(°F)
kilojoules/kg = btu‘s/pound
kilowatt-hours = btu‘s
kilowatt-hours = foot-pounds
kilowatt-hours = kilogram-calories
kilowatt-hours = kilogram-meters
kilowatt-hours = horsepower-hours
kilowatt-hours = joules
kilowatt-hours = watt-hours
kilowatts = btu‘s/minute
kilowatts = ergs/second
kilowatts = foot-pounds/min
kilowatts = foot-pounds/sec
kilowatts = horsepower
kilowatts = horsepower (boiler)
kilowatts = kg-cals/minute
kilowatts = myriawatts
newton-meters = foot-pounds
newton-meters = joules
newton-meters/amp = webers
newtons = amp-webers/meter
newtons = dynes
newtons = kg-meters/sq sec
newtons = pounds
watt-hours = btu‘s
watt-hours = joules
watt-hours = foot-pounds
watt-hours = kilogram-calories
watt-hours = kilogram-meters
watt-hours = kilowatt-hours
watt-hours/sq meter = btu‘s/sq ft
watt-seconds = joules
watts = btu‘s/hour
watts = btu‘s/minute
watts = horsepower
watts = joules/second
watts = ergs/second
watts = foot-pounds/min
watts = foot-pounds/sec
watts = kg-calories/min
watts/(meter)(°C) = btu(in)/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
watts/(sq in)(°F) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
watts/(sq m)(°C) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
watts/sq inch = btu‘s/(sq ft)(min)
watts/sq meter = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)
watts/square cm = watts/square inch
watts/square inch = watts/square cm
abampere-turns = gilberts
abampere-turns = ampere-turns
abampere-turns/cm = ampere-turns/inch
abamperes = amperes
abamperes/sq cm = amperes/sq inch
abcoulombs = coulombs
abcoulombs/sq cm = couloumbs/sq inch
abfarads = farads
abhenries = henries
abmhos = mhos
abohms = ohms
abvolts = volts
abvolts/cm = volts/inch
amp-webers/meter = newtons
ampere-seconds = coulombs
ampere-turns = abampere-turns
ampere-turns = gilberts
ampere-turns/inch = abampere-turns/cm
ampere-turns/inch = gilberts/cm
amperes = abamperes
amperes = statamperes
amperes/meter = oersteds
amperes/sq cm = amperes/sq inch
amperes/sq inch = abamperes/sq cm
amperes/sq inch = statamperes/sq cm
amperes/sq inch = amperes/sq cm
coulomb/sq cm = coulomb/sq in
coulomb/sq in = coulomb/sq cm
coulomb/sq in = statcoulomb/sq cm
coulombs = abcoulombs
coulombs = statcoulombs
coulombs = ampere-seconds
coulombs = Faraday
couloumbs/sq inch = abcoulombs/sq cm
gauss = lines/sq inch
gauss = webers/sq meter
gauss = lines/sq cm
gilberts = abampere-turns
gilberts = ampere-turns
gilberts/cm = ampere-turns/inch
kilolines = maxwells
lines/sq cm = gauss
lines/sq inch = gauss
maxwells = kilolines
maxwells = megalines
maxwells = webers
megalines = maxwells
megmhos = mhos
megohms = ohms
mhos = abmhos
mhos = megmhos
mhos = statmhos
microfarads = farads
microhms = ohms
myriawatts = kilowatts
oersteds = amperes/meter
ohms = abohms
ohms = joules/sq amp sec
ohms = megohms
ohms = microhms
ohms = statohms
statamperes = amperes
statamperes/sq cm = amperes/sq inch
statcoulomb/sq cm = coulomb/sq in
statcoulombs = coulombs
statmhos = mhos
statohms = ohms
statvolts = volts
statvolts/cm = volts/inch
volt-coulombs = joules
volts = abvolts
volts = statvolts
volts/inch = abvolts/cm
volts/inch = statvolts/cm
webers = maxwells
webers = newton-meters/amp
webers/sq meter = gauss
candelas = lumens
centimeter-dynes = centimeter-grams
centimeter-dynes = meter-kilograms
centimeter-dynes = pound-feet
centimeter-grams = centimeter-dynes
centimeter-grams = meter-kilograms
centimeter-grams = pound-feet
centipoise = pascal-seconds
days = hours
days = minutes
days = seconds
foot-candles = lumens/sq ft
foot-candles = lux
foot-candles = lumens/sq foot
g-cals/(g)(°C) = btu‘s/(pound)(°F)
g-cals/(sec)(sq m)(°C) = btu‘s/(hr)(sq ft)(°F)
gram-centimeters = kilogram-meters
henries = abhenries
henries = millihenries
hours = days
hours = seconds
hours = weeks
kg-sq cm (radius) = pound-sq ft (radius)
kg-sq cm (radius) = pound-sq in (radius)
log (base 10) N = log (base e) N
log (base e) N = log (base 10) N
lumens = candelas
lumens/sq foot = foot-candles
lumens/sq ft = foot-candles
lumens/sq meter = lux
lux = foot-candles
lux = lumens/sq meter
meter-kilograms = centimeter-dynes
meter-kilograms = centimeter-grams
meter-kilograms = pound-feet
milligrams/deciliter = millimoles/l (glucose)
millihenries = henries
millimoles/l (glucose) = milligrams/deciliter
minutes = days
minutes = weeks
minutes = years
molecules = moles
moles = molecules
pascal-seconds = centipoise
pound-feet = centimeter-dynes
pound-feet = centimeter-grams
pound-feet = meter-kilograms
pound-sq ft (radius) = kg-sq cm (radius)
pound-sq in (radius) = kg-sq cm (radius)
quires = sheets
reams = sheets
scruples = grains
seconds = days
seconds = hours
seconds = shakes
seconds = weeks
seconds = years
shakes = seconds
sheets = quires
sheets = reams
weeks = hours
weeks = minutes
weeks = seconds
years = minutes
years = seconds